Quick Start

Getting started with KubeLift CLI


  • Azure — make sure you have an enabled Azure subscription, either retail or MSDN. Note Gov Cloud is not currently supported.
  • Azure CLI
  • Kubectl
  • SSH client in your path
  • Enough quota in your Azure region for the VM size you wish to deploy.
  • Enough quota in your Azure region for a Public IP address.
  • Access to your SSH public key (usually ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) to enable passwordless login.

KubeLift Installation

Download the KubeLift CLI. Unzip the file for your platform and copy somewhere in your path (i.e. into /usr/local/bin )

Login to Azure CLI

This step can be skipped if you are already logged in.

az login
Finding your current subscription using the Azure CLI

You can use

az account list --query '[?isDefault]'

To see what your current subscription is.

Creating a new appliance

Simply call kubelift up in an empty folder:

mkdir demo && cd demo
kubelift up

You should see output as follows:

$ kubelift up
 ✔ Initialized KubeLift config file: kubelift.yml
 ✔ Creating cluster kubelift-q3trf in location westeurope
 ✔    64.340 s	Creating appliance from Azure Marketplace
 ✔ Granting access to the Kubernetes api-server on port 6443
 ✔ Appliance is publicly accessible on IP: (VNET-bound IP:
 ✔ Completed deployment of KubeLift Solo
 ✔ Retrieved configuration from appliance
 ✔ Modified local kubeconfig to point at public IP of appliance
 ✔ Set kubectl context to "admin@kubernetes"
 ✔ KubeLift instance is ready

Got a question or found a bug? Find us at https://github.com/polverio/kubelift-cli

⏱️  Command took: 169.58s 💨

You can now start to use Kubernetes from your workstation, using kubectl commands.

Verifying installation

kubectl get pods -A -o wide
kubectl get nodes -A -o wide

You should see pods and nodes in the running state.

That’s it, happy exploring! If you got this far, you can now use kubectl apply or helm to deploy your workloads into the cluster, apply Network Policies using the Cilium, or even create your own Persistent Volumes and services.

Destroying the instance

Once you are finished with your appliance, remember to destroy it using the following command:

kubelift down

The provisioned resources will be deleted in the background.

Note: Polverio and the KubeLift project will not be held responsible for resources that remain active in your subscription!
