
KubeLift CLI commands



Usage: kubelift [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  init        Initializes the KubeLift configuration file
  up          Creates and starts an instance of KubeLift
  down        Stops and deletes an instance of KubeLift
  clean       Cleans up instance-related data and kubelift.yml in current directory
  switch      Switches your local Kubernetes configuration to point to the current appliance
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

kubelift init

Initializes the KubeLift configuration file, kubelift.yml

kubelift up

Creates and starts an instance of KubeLift

kubelift down

Stops and deletes an instance of KubeLift

kubelift clean

Cleans up instance-related data and kubelift.yml in current directory

kubelift switch

Switches your local Kubernetes configuration to point to the current appliance
